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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Summary of “The Popular field”

This poem is composed by William Cowper. The poem compares the chopping of the tree to a man’s life and death. The poplars are cut down now there is neither any shed nor the wind that play and sing in the leaves. There is no longer the whispering sound of the trees. Before twelve years. The poet had enjoyed beautiful view of the poplar field. He had seen the reflection of trees on the river. He used to sit in the shed on the trees but the trees are cut down now. Now the poet sits on the fall down trees. The black bird is also not singing and has flown trees. The black bird is also not singing and has flown away. The poet says he will die soon and that he will die before new trees grow to replace chopped once. The poet says that the pleasure of man is temporary and they finished before man dies.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for comment to all of you... and you are most welcome.

  2. You might want to check: I don't think the poem is called "The Popular Field."

  3. You might want to check: I don't think the poem is called "The Popular Field." .. Get Summary of this at =>

  4. Check Here THE POPLAR FIELD - Question Answers-Summary-Wordmeanings
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